Players in the game's orientation will constantly look for the "pass line" or "darken" to their contrary to gain an advantage by expressing the tendency to:

  • Receive the ball in vertical progression/depth, to occupy an existing free space on the back line.
  • These movements will be made, within the completion zone, diagonally closed in "favor" of the ball.
  • Occupy the demarcation of the holder to receive the ball in a situation of 2:1 (Numerical Superiority).
    • If the player is NOT in the game orientation, they must slightly close their position, and delay in relation to their line of play.



Players behind the line where the ball is:

  • All will manifest a position diagonally and in depth in a maintained manner (distance between lines), relative to the players of the line in which the ball is located.
  • Players located on the "vertical" of the ball - diagonally - will make emergency support by searching for the pass line.
  • Players in the game/ball orientation will constantly demonstrate a willingness to progress vertically to the rear zone:
    • If she is left free by the partner who occupied her and there is a chance of receiving the ball.
    • If the system causes the existence of a free space.
    • To create a 2:1 numerical superiority in the holder's area or to perform a unfolding with the possessing partner.
    • Players located in the area contrary to the orientation of the game/ball, will swing towards the central area, slightly delaying their position, so that they can intervene in the face of a possible loss of the ball.

In the media line (in the progression zone), when:

  • One player leaves their zone/line, another player from the same line or another will take their place (to take advantage of the created free space).
  • The interior or midcenter to which the game/ball is oriented, if it cannot receive it directly because it is marked, will make a deep progression (diagonal or vertical) occupying the existing free space and creating a numerical superiority -2:1- with the holder.
    • In this way, even if you are opposed and cannot receive the ball directly, you will have created a free space that must be taken advantage of by a teammate from the previous line (side or center).

Travel to occupy subsequent free zones must be made at the right time ("opportunity") to receive the ball in a race and with an advantage.

When a defensive line player is added to the attack, the side on the opposite side of the game's orientation must be closed manifestly until it directly fills the demarcation of its first central.

Aimed at

The player's actions and positions without a ball in attack 

Training Goals

The actions of players on the previous or back line from where the ball is located to stay balanced and facilitate the player's game.


VIDEO (FUP11c): Occupy free space in progression/profundidad_MANIFESTACIÓN correct

VIDEO (FUP11i1): Occupy free space in progression/profundidad_MANIFESTACIÓN correct

VIDEO (FUP11i2): Occupy free space in progression/profundidad_MANIFESTACIÓN correct