We detail in this section the most relevant aspects of this "new area" of training and competition, which will allow with its application during these activities, to reduce the huge amount of mistakes that are made in the field of collective team play, both in defense and attack.

When analyzing in one way or another the level of efficiency achieved in the current competition, we realize the manifest uncoordination and lack of resources that the team/player possesses, when it comes to making their activity at the time of having to make decisions that affect the group.

The incorporation and application of the contents of the area of "Collective Actions" – Universal Fundamentals of collective play-, will allow us to:

  • Decrease the incorrect manifestation of the various "complex decision-making", which the player must take in each of the game situations in which he is immersed.
  • Know the cause of most ball losses (during the defensive phase) and the deficiencies that occur during the different defensive phases.
  • To be able to correct these errors specifically from established slogans, which are common whatever forms of play used by the team, the type of opposition we face, or the particularities that each coach can propose for the competition.
  • Maintaining conviction in the player that any loss (e.g. in attack), not caused by incorrect technical-tactical execution (which are only between 8 and 10% of the causes of these losses), is the result of chance or a certain opposition, but of a collective decision-making established and concrete corresponding to a known and trained slogan.
  • Having for the activity in a training process, a protocol that we will incorporate in the training and corrections that are plated during the competition, which will allow a more complete and adequate knowledge of the game of football to future players.


*(To extend and drill down into this topic you can check the volume of the collection: 1.1 and 1.2)

These are the objectives of improvement belonging to the new training area: "THE COLLECTIVE ACTIONS", which includes the 115 slogans corresponding to the different "COMPLEX DECISIONS" that are manifested in the game and that the player must take in each of the Game Situations in which he will be engaged during the competition. These "Consignas" will provide the appropriate response that will reduce the frequent number of mistakes that are made at the moment in the collective game.

Each Foundation envisages a certain number of Consignments that are the real objectives to work, improve and manifest.

  • The Fundamentals/Consignments are geared towards three main objectives:
    • Universal Fundamentals (FU) "Previous":whose main purpose is for the team to manifest a correct collective structure of play (rational occupation of the pitch that allows us to manifest in attack the appropriate spaces and times and defense takes advantage of the offensive errors of the opposite).
    • FU "Basic": who seek the manifestation of a coordinated and coherent collective game.
    • FU "by demarcation": the logical and optimal activity in complex decision-making related to the space (demarcation) that each player occupies.
    • Holder
    • In attack that doesn't possess the ball
    • In defense
    • Improving the effectiveness of our Collective Game
    • Improve the performance of our players (enhancing the manifestation of their talent)
    • Improve aspects of technical, tactical, psychological and physical execution during competition
    • Gain advantage over the opposite during gameplay (in-game speed)
    • Perform an effective analysis of our game, so that we can correct, improve and optimize in training the performance of our game and our players in the competition

    Trends in modern football include different game models, which have a common denominator:

    • Any player has to know WHERE HE SHOULD BE and what he/she has to do at every moment of the match.

    In this way, the holder can decide the action to be taken in relation exclusively to the opposition, knowing what his colleagues will do, therefore gaining in efficiency and speed of execution.



    • They allow the coach to determine and train, in each GAME SITUATION, (according to the Game System used), the optimal location/position and travel for each player without a ball, which will ensure the non-loss of their possession, a controlled progression and the consequent completion.
    • They are manifestations typical of football, which occur during the development of the competition through the different Game Situations that manifest themselves. These manifestations have always been given, but have not been systematized within the training, being considered, until now, only as simple considerations of the game.
    • They are objective conclusions based on the SPACE/TIME factors and the OPPORTUNITY factors, which condition the player's game at every moment of the match. They are manifested in training based on REAL GAME SITUATIONS, for the improvement/reduction of decision making in the development of ASSOCIATIVE GAME and/or POSITIONING.
    • They become:
    • An element of the game that is essential to master, to be able to play correctly, using the control/associative game style.
    • An absolutely fundamental aspect on which football learning is based (this being its most transcendent feature).



    • Automations: Dictatorship... lack of freedom.
    • Basic order: freedom... without harming the teammate.
    • Libertine: chaos... I "crack" the rest to run for me.



    It was chosen according to the meaning obtained from the Royal Spanish Academy, which defines it as "Main reason or reason for the purpose of entrenching and guaranteeing something".

    In this way the FUNDAMENTS of the Collective Game are intended to be objectives/criteria (typical of decision-making) that allow to act/play football correctly.



    It is based on the player learning the direct relationship between a given Game Situation with the CONSIGNA that solves it(Optimal Response –RO for each player that will allow him to adequately solve each situation).

    The fact that the player directly relates the Game Situation in which he encounters the action to be performed (CONSIGNA),allows:

  • Ensuring the development of a correct game, as the "chosen" action will undoubtedly contribute to solving the game situation.
  • That you can master control of the ball, the game and thematch.
  • Reduce drastically:
    • The stimuli the player has to attend to.
    • The process of analysis of the decision mechanism, since the complexity of the analysis is much less (although it always exists), both the player without the ball and the holder.
    • The time the player will need to execute any action, as it will not be necessary to wait for the complex perception and decision mechanisms to be executed. This time reduction allows you to:
    • Focus attention on technical-tactical action which will undoubtedly help to increase the level of execution (accuracy) and the speed at which it is performed (execution speed).
    • Use this time to manifest talent/improvisation actions.
    • The possibility of ball loss.



    They are always individual since the actions to be performed by the player(s) affected, are the ones that will allow to solve the game situation (relating its effectiveness with the sum of the slogans that each partner has to execute). In order for these slogans to cause the desired efficiency, when executed, the basics/previous aspects of collective play (BASIC TEAM STRUCTURE), both in defence and attack, must be manifested at all times.

    THE FUNDAMENTS try to make "less open" the situations in which the player islocated.